Setlist: November 26, 2011 Newcastle, England Academy

Opener(s): Meiko
This setlist has been flagged as partial. That means it may be missing songs or be out of order. Listing

Carry You There
Penny and Me
Crazy Beautiful
Strong Enough To Break
Get Up And Go
Runaway Run
Lost Without Each Other
If Only
Where's The Love
Waiting For This
Wish That I Was There
Love Me (Taylor solo)
Thinking 'Bout Somethin'
Give a Little
Run Rudolph Run
My Favorite Christmas Sweater

- denotes that the song is a cover song

The following members attended this show:
Dittejuul  Jessapessa  lisharts  Rachaelsiriusmarie  ThatSilentBeat  Wickit 

Usernames appear as attended for public accounts only. You can change your account settings on your profile page

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