Child At Heart

(T. Hanson)

Child At Heart is about remaining open and hopeful despite the obstacles of life’s journey.
Lead Singer: Taylor
Found on album(s): Red Green Blue   

First Played Live            Last Played Live            Days Since Last Played
January 09, 2022May 13, 2023364 days

You can just breathe
You are no mistake
Though you're feeling strange
Just give your heart away
Like you're not afraid
To face another day
Though you're feeling far
You can chase a star
Like a child at heart

You've been careful
With your secrets
And you've been faithful
But you regress
You've been holding
Just to feel safe again
You've been hurting
You've been hiding
I've been failing
though, I've been trying

So, breathe
You are no mistake
When you're feeling strange
Just give your heart away
Like you're not afraid
To face another day
When you're feeling far
You can chase a star
Like a child at heart

You are no mistake
Though you're feeling strange
Just give your heart away

You've been hurting
You've been hiding
You've been failing
Oh, you've been trying
Oh, oh, oh, oh

You can just breathe
You are no mistake
When you're feeling strange
Just give your heart away
Like you're not afraid
To face another day
When you're feeling far
You can chase a star
Like a child at heart

Child At Heart has been performed 101 times

- lyrics have been verified with Hanson or other artists linear notes or other official source.
Songs without the check mark have either not yet been verified or lyrics have been crowd sourced and may not be 100% correct.