Setlist: January 29, 2021 Tulsa, OK 3CG
This show did not have a ticket
Opener(s): None
Notes: Islands & a Stream Listing
Sophia (Zac solo)
Chasing Down My Dreams (Zac solo)
Change (Zac solo)
The Ballad of Seymour Better Times (Zac solo)
Lullabelle (Zac solo)
World Goes Around (Zac solo)
Be My Own (Taylor solo)
When You're Gone (Taylor solo)
This Time Around (Taylor solo)
Save Me (Taylor solo)
All I Know (Taylor solo)
Crazy Beautiful (Taylor solo)
Begin Again (Isaac solo)
Lonely Again (Isaac solo)
River (Isaac solo)
Next Train (Isaac solo)
Lucy (Isaac solo)
Love Song (Isaac solo)
Hand in Hand (Isaac solo)
- denotes that the song is a cover song
There were 19 songs performed at this show
The following members attended this show:
acellucci AGirlNamedPhil Ajshambs AllisonGarcia AllTayEverydayInMo amandag113 AmandaW Amundslc AngelaJean AngelDreamer AngelMaybe ashs2003 asweeney812 aussiehansonfan AvivaK0322 beritzcold Brebonnell Btslvr52 Canadianduck55 Casey131 chrissie Christi0909 Corinnecarro Corrie321 Danacmu Danie1216 daniree03 DarkEstBarBie Deb82 Dianamarie Digital_Pants dmasten ElginFilmGuy emilybinks16 emmsparkle emwi GEMZI83 Giantslayer454 heybrit hfrees Hnsnlvr52 Igby22 iliapaul2 imjenniferirene itzallimliving4 itzciarajane ITZfanAmy7484 Jadedoyle jazzacahaa jecca0381 JenniferIrene Jessicarohl Jinger2002 jmmasten Julie_Fanson JYooo Kaseylj KDGroshans Kellijkoch Kellyderr KimberlyMO kk9999 knedwards Kpinto817 kristimcintyre Ksyvers Lacaku ladybugbella LaurenHowling LaurenLenz97 Ldabeachbum LesleyR lilzacbop LMW22 lrapp103 Lynne222 mandapanda07 Mare Mazki Meganator81 mikikatie minnaL mmmari MMMBOPtoDeath1022 msmunier musicalmarsbars Myleah_Miner Natari nosnah nutmeg384 Oh_my_madeline oldcliche Ontherocks22 PartyLikeARockStar reneecaswell86 Rosedust rueishness sammyjane226 Shannon1! skoehn180 socce1058 Stefanie stephitz123 suzybishop Taysbear1983 TaysLuvSong02 Teeny tellie1227 th3musicliv3s thepolyphonicryan VickyM xanderdite zeus22
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