Setlist: May 19, 2018 Tulsa, OK Cain's Ballroom
Opener(s): None
Gold Miner
Bad For Me
Young and Dumb
Somebody That Wants To Love You
Stop Me In My Tracks
Dance Like You Don't Care
Best of Times
Bittersweet (Zac solo)
A Life Without You (Isaac solo)
Never Let Go (Taylor solo)
On and On
Man On Top
Ooh La La La
Tearing It Down
I've Got Soul
Waiting For This
Where's The Love
I Don't Want To Go Home
Roller Coaster Love
- denotes that the song is a cover song
There were 21 songs performed at this show
The following members attended this show:
91domer Aacoltrane aad722 AGirlNamedPhil alwright Amanda101485 aminoelle Amundslc Andrea2880 AngelMaybe Angmarie ash12083 ashleymarie1985 AvivaK0322 Awarber0609 Babycakestd Backwardspuzzle Beckuhbeck beritzcold Bmccull92 Britelayne810 brittneydeanne BrookieyMonster BrooklynnSalvato Camisa chrissie Christi0909 concertkatie crazybeautiful1017 Danacmu DarkEstBarBie deev Dianamarie Dreastar ElginFilmGuy emily11emily emmsparkle emwi erinfslauson ErinnElizabeth Fan4Life Gemmamishl Giantslayer454 Ginas267 guimj Heart_To_Follow heathahhhh hfrees hitzjamzdw Hmcginley19 Hnsnlvr52 HollyBee Hollybelle ifthiswasonlyplay Igby22 iliapaul2 ilovenerds imjenniferirene ITZfanAmy7484 itzxenia Jacks22004 Jadedoyle janakatherine jazzacahaa Jcarellas jeffchadwells JenniferIrene Jhansonrocks Jinger2002 joanna Julie1022 Jurassica KatieJo KimberlyMO kinseylimpfy1 kk9999 knedwards Kristen Ksyvers KWalbright Labellavitall lacyjlane LaurenHowling Ldabeachbum Ldybugiezz leahmbleier LesleyR lightmonkey03 lilzacbop lmcooke91308 Lokisaurus85 Lorimadi97 Meg314 mhmcneill mikikatie morgencavanah myka234 Natie Nikkirae84 Nikmann86 Nortney nosnah nutmeg384 ohmymercedes Oh_my_madeline ommathew Ontherocks22 Pennyntonight poorkatiewonteven RCoulter76 reese Rememberthekiss rhaymes Rmickunas07 rueishness RunawayRun Secondhandshoes Shannonjo109 simplyjenn19 skoehn180 socce1058 Stephieweffie05 stephitz123 StrngEngh2Brk suzybishop taraerson taramarie Tara_Stringer taylorcfaith TaylorTippett Taysbear1983 TaysLuvSong02 Teenaa4me tellie1227 Thedollylala Themanfrommilwaukee TheMusicCanSave thestarinuri Toulouse triomichelle Wmshirah xanderdite
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