Peace On Earth

(I. Hanson / T. Hanson / Z. Hanson)
Lead Singer: Zac
Found on album(s): Finally It's Christmas   

First Played Live            Last Played Live            Days Since Last Played
November 24, 2017December 05, 20201460 days

Do you know the reason for the season?
How the heavens came down to the earth
Bringing hope for all who will receive it
A sacrifice that forever changed the world
And the shepherds and kings
They would sing out rejoicing
And they fell to their knees
When they heard the angel's voices
Singing peace on earth
Good will towards men
There's a newborn king
Born in Bethlehem
Do you know the reason for the season?
A star that's shown for all who will believe
A holy child swaddled in a manger
A love that no man ever could conceive
And the shepherds and kings
They would sing out rejoicing
And they fell to their knees
When they heard the angel's voices
Singing peace on earth
Good will towards men
There's a newborn king
Born in Bethlehem
All the stories tell
How they followed the star
On the first Noel
On the first Noel
Peace on earth
Good will towards men
There's a newborn king
Born in Bethlehem
Do you know the reason for the season?

Peace On Earth has been performed 13 times

- lyrics have been verified with Hanson or other artists linear notes or other official source.
Songs without the check mark have either not yet been verified or lyrics have been crowd sourced and may not be 100% correct.