One More Day Without You

(J. Crosby / Z. Hanson)
Written at Fools Banquet 2006 Released by Jon Crosby (VAST)
Lead Singer: Other
Found on album(s): Fool's Banquet   

Have you heard?
Have you tried to understand?
It's all right, it gets easier with time.
How are you?
Are you ever coming back?
I have changed and I realized I was wrong.
I was wrong.
Now I'll never see your face anymore.
Oh my love, I'd give anything for one more day with you.
Getting through, I wish you felt the way I do.
I have changed and I realized I was wrong.
I was wrong, now I'll never see your face anymore. Oh my love, I'd give anything for one more day with you.

One More Day Without You has not been performed

- lyrics have been verified with Hanson or other artists linear notes or other official source.
Songs without the check mark have either not yet been verified or lyrics have been crowd sourced and may not be 100% correct.