I wanted to get to know you
better and better...everyday.
Oh, oh! I wanted to get to know you
better and better...everyday.
This is the way it should start,
this is the way it should stay.
? two brothers are my very, very best friends.
And I would never, ever forget them.
And so, you see,
this is the way it should be
between you and me.
I wanted to get to know you
better and better...everyday.
Oh, oh! I wanted to get to know you
better and better...everyday.
This is the way it should start,
this is the way it should stay.
This is the way it should start,
this is the way it should end,
being very best friends.
This is the way it should start,
this is the way it should end,
being very best friends.
I Wanted To Get To Know You has not been performed
- lyrics have been verified with Hanson or other artists linear notes or other official source. Songs without the check mark have either not yet been verified or lyrics have been crowd sourced and may not be 100% correct.