Funny Bunny

Lead Singer: shared
Found on album(s): The Beginnings (1993)   

She's just a funny bunny
Doll lovin' girl
Don't you know she's just a funny (funny funny funny funny)
A little bunny (bunny bunny bunny bunny)
She's a funny bunny
Doll lovin' girl

Well, she wants a Barbie and Ken
She wants a Barbie and all her friends
She wants a Barbie (barbie barbie barbie barbie)
And a ferrari
She wants every single doll that there has ever been

She's just a funny bunny
Doll lovin' girl
Don't you know she's just a funny (funny funny funny funny)
A little bunny (bunny bunny bunny bunny)
She's a funny bunny
Doll lovin' girl

Well she wants a baby that walks
A baby that even talks
She wants a baby (baby baby baby baby)
That'll wet and walks
She wants every single doll that there ever has been

She's just a funny bunny
Doll lovin' girl
Don't you know she's just a funny (funny funny funny funny)
A little bunny (bunny bunny bunny bunny)
She's a funny bunny
Doll lovin' girl

Whoa, whoa, whoa

Funny Bunny has not been performed

- lyrics have been verified with Hanson or other artists linear notes or other official source.
Songs without the check mark have either not yet been verified or lyrics have been crowd sourced and may not be 100% correct.