Wake Up In The Night (I Need You Lord)

Lead Singer: shared
Found on album(s): The Beginnings (1993)   

When I wake up in the night
And I need somebody
It's you, it's you
When I wake up in the night
And I need somebody to
It's you

I need you Lord
I need you Lord
I need you through the night and day
I need you Lord
I need you Lord
I need you through the night
And then I hear you say

whoa, whoa

You don't know how much I love you child
You don't know how much I care
You don't know how much I love you child
I'll always be there for you
I'll never leave you
You don't know how much I care

When I wake up in the night
And I need somebody
It's you, it's you
When I wake up in the night
And I need somebody to
It's you

I need you Lord
I need you Lord
I need you through the night and day
I need you Lord
I need you Lord
I need you through the night
And then I hear you say

You don't know how much I love you child
You don't know how much I care
You don't know how much I love you child
I'll always be there for you
I'll never leave you
You don't know how much I care

Wake Up In The Night (I Need You Lord) has not been performed

- lyrics have been verified with Hanson or other artists linear notes or other official source.
Songs without the check mark have either not yet been verified or lyrics have been crowd sourced and may not be 100% correct.