What's Your Name

(I. Hanson / T. Hanson / Z. Hanson)
Lead Singer: Isaac
Found on album(s): Music Made For Humans (2014)   

First Played Live            Last Played Live            Days Since Last Played
May 17, 2014January 07, 2023637 days

Don't be shy, I'm not gonna bite
You're playing it cool, I'm not your fool, Just take your time
When you decide, just give me a sign
Let's break the rules, I've got the tools to feel your mind

Dressed so fine you could make me blind

Cause it's hard enough just livin', without your childish games
So won't you tell me, tell me, tell me, what's your name
What's your name
Tell me what's your name baby, what's your name

You're such a tease, I'm weak in the knees
Cause your lines your eyes are hypnotizing me
You've got plenty to spare, it just isn't fair
If it's what you need, I'll make a scene, I don't even care

Dressed so fine you could make me blind

Cause it's hard enough just livin', without your childish games
So won't you tell me, tell me, tell me, what's your name
What's your name
Tell me what's your name baby, what's your name

Dressed so fine you could make me blind

Cause it's hard enough just livin', without your childish games
So won't you tell me, tell me, tell me, what's your name
What's your name
Tell me what's your name baby, what's your name

What's Your Name has been performed 3 times

- lyrics have been verified with Hanson or other artists linear notes or other official source.
Songs without the check mark have either not yet been verified or lyrics have been crowd sourced and may not be 100% correct.